Do you offer guarantees?
We strongly stand behind the quality and value of our work. However, we can’t guarantee specific results. We are a high impact PPC agency. We don’t just do campaign management. If you work with us, you can expect ongoing research and strategy improvements, killer creative work, and A/B testing to get you the best ROI possible.
How do Google Ads and FacEbook Ads work?
Both Google and Facebook Ads work on an auction based system where the advertiser attempts to reach someone they believe is a potential customer of their product using the targeting and reach capabilities that these platforms provide.
The Google Ads platform gives you access to the three main Google Advertising networks:
1. Search: The ads you see when you type a search query into the Google Search Engine. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
2. Google Display Network: Thousands of websites that allow advertisers to show banner and text ads.
3. YouTube: Allows advertisers to place video (and other types of ads) on the YouTube platform.
The Facebook Ads platform gives you access to Facebook and Instagram. Ads can be targeted to reach a specific segment of the population, based on data that Facebook has on each individual person.
What do you charge?
Our pricing is tailor-made for each client and their project needs. Therefore we can’t offer any specific pricing information. If you wish to learn more about what Level Up Digital can do for you, we offer a free audit and proposal for new clients.
What makes you different from other agencies?
Here are Level Up Digital, we don’t just do campaign management. If you work with us, you can expect ongoing research and strategy improvements, killer creative work, and A/B testing to get you the best ROI possible.
With our expert guidance we can help you achieve the maximum return on your advertising dollars.
We make sure every client receives custom-built Google AdWords strategies. We’re constantly researching, testing, tweaking, and improving that strategy to ensure you’re getting the best possible return on investment.